
I appreciate you giving me some suggestions! I always like hearing about people I haven’t read before.

I have read some Berdyaev, and used to watch Owen Benjamin petty regularly along with Vox Day.

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Curious as to whether you are familiar with any of the following writers and thinkers, who all may be relevant to parts of your project:

-- Bruce Charlton (and bloggers close to him): He focuses a lot on a number of relevant strands: 1. the development of human consciousness, and how what was common or even possible to a certain era may no longer be an option; 2. Likewise, different categories of evil -- Luciferic (mere personal sinful, passionate evil), Ahrimanic (systemic, centralizing evil) and Sorathic (destructive, chaotic evil) -- arise at different times and require different strategies to deal with them; 3. Romantic Christianity, which is hard to summarize, but in brief could be said to be the recognition that personal discernment is at the root of Christianity -- not tradition -- and that Christianity is ideally about something positive and aspirational (joint creative activity with God) rather than merely something negative and avoidant (e.g. repentance and avoiding sin). Charlton is quite well versed in all aspects of Christianity, including Orthodoxy (and was also influenced by Seraphim Rose), so even though he could be said to "reject" tradition, he comes from a place of having thought through it in significant depth.

-- Earlier thinkers who influenced Charlton and co: e.g. Owen Barfield, Rudolph Steiner.

-- Nikolai Berdyaev: Important but controversial Orthodox (or Orthodox-adjacent) thinker from the early and mid 20th century, who focused on concepts of the evolution of consciousness, the importance of human freedom and creativity in Christianity.

And as far as examples of people focusing on establishing intentional, traditional communities, Owen Benjamin and "the Bears", as well as The Kurgan (G. Filotto) are both doing good work in different ways.

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